Real estate investment firm Patrizia has unveiled a new growth strategy aimed at managing €100 bn in assets by 2030.



To achieve this, the company will focus on five key areas: residential properties, value-add investments, infrastructure and smart city projects, European infrastructure, and fund-of-funds.

Building on its strong German base, Patrizia plans to expand internationally, emphasizing large-scale flagship funds in real estate and infrastructure, as well as a new Re-Infra asset class combining the two.

Patrizia is restructuring its leadership to support its new growth strategy. A new Group Executive Committee (GEC) will replace the current Executive Committee, effective 1 August. The GEC will report directly to the Board of Directors and will be composed of six members. In addition to the current CEO, Asoka Wöhrmann, CFO/COO Christoph Glaser, and founder Wolfgang Egger, three new executive directors have been appointed: Martin Praum, James Muir, and Konrad Finkenzeller.

Martin Praum will take on the role of CFO, overseeing finance, investor relations, and corporate finance. Christoph Glaser will concentrate on his role as COO, focusing on IT, operations, valuation, procurement, compliance, and risk management.

A new Investment Division will be headed by James Muir, responsible for fund management, investment strategy, and research across all asset classes. Additionally, a new Client Division will be led by Konrad Finkenzeller, focusing on fundraising, client relationships, product portfolio management, and marketing.

To complement the new GEC, Patrizia is establishing two cross-functional teams to optimize its operations. The Business Leadership Team (BLT) will bring together the GEC and key departments to boost investment performance and drive overall business growth. Additionally, a Global Operating Committee will be formed to streamline operations and create a more efficient company-wide platform.

To better align with regional markets and regulatory environments, Patrizia is implementing a regional leadership structure. The company will establish joint ownership of the Executive Directors at a regional level. Asoka Wöhrmann will oversee the DACH region, Christoph Glaser will be responsible for the European region excluding DACH, and Wolfgang Egger will focus on the APAC region.