Paris leads the field in hotel room sales according to the lastest survey by UK-based company TRI Hospitality Consulting. The review of European hotel chains shows that Paris had the best rate and revpar during August with revenue per available room (revpar) up 15.7% to EUR 163.53. London was close behind with revpar up 9.9% to EUR 160.31 and Amsterdam came third with revpar up 11.2% to EUR 127.39.

Paris leads the field in hotel room sales according to the lastest survey by UK-based company TRI Hospitality Consulting. The review of European hotel chains shows that Paris had the best rate and revpar during August with revenue per available room (revpar) up 15.7% to EUR 163.53. London was close behind with revpar up 9.9% to EUR 160.31 and Amsterdam came third with revpar up 11.2% to EUR 127.39.

Berlin was surprise success story of the month according to the review with revpar up 22.3% to EUR 87.75 as a result of improvements in both rate and occupancy. The survey also found that Prague had the highest occupancy rates in Europe at 90.5% despite negative rate and revpar movement. Average rate was down by 6.2% to EUR 93.14 resulting in a 1.9% drop in revpar to EUR 84.26.

Moscow and Vienna had the most aggressive rate growths. Average rates in Moscow were up 20.3% to € 171.58, the third highest in the survey and Vienna rates were up 18.9% to EUR 136.29