Twenty eight shopping centres traded for a total of £2.7 bn (€3.4 bn) in the UK during the first half of 2014, up 22% on the same period a year before, according to DTZ.

Twenty eight shopping centres traded for a total of £2.7 bn (€3.4 bn) in the UK during the first half of 2014, up 22% on the same period a year before, according to DTZ.

The property adviser described January to end-June as a 'roaring' first half fuelled by the weight of money targeting the sector. In Q2 2014, 15 shopping centres transacted totalling £1.4 bn, similar to the £1.3 bn (13 shopping centres) transacting in Q1 2014.

The most significant transaction in 2014, setting a new super prime benchmark and illustrating the depth of demand for stock, has been the sale of Lend Lease’s 30% stake in Bluewater Shopping Centre, Dartford, DTZ said. The asset was hotly contested for by the UK REITs, global shopping centre asset managers and sovereign wealth funds alike. Land Securities was successful and is reportedly paying £696 mln with the net initial yield rumoured to be sub 4%. This transaction alone accounted for 49% of the total transaction volume in Q2.

DTZ acted on the sale of Washington Square, Workington this quarter on behalf of DTZ Receivers, to Europa Capital & Scoop Asset Management for £31 mln, reflecting a net initial yield of 7.7%.

DTZ also advised the purchasers of The Octagon Shopping Centre in Burton upon Trent (Vixcroft) which transacted for £16 mln and the purchasers of The Gates in Durham (The Other Retail Group & Clearbell Capital) which sold for circa £12 mln.

Deal pipeline
Eight shopping centres were under offer at the end of Q2 totalling £800 mln. This still includes a 50% stake in Cabot Circus, Bristol for £270 mln (6.25% NIY) as reported in Q1, as well as the 50% stake in Telford shopping centre for £200m (6% NIY).

There are 31 shopping centres being openly marketed totalling £1.23 bn, highlighting a good level of stock is available. This stock, however, comprises predominantly either large or small lot sizes as well as portfolios. There is a notable lack of stock priced between £20 mln and £50 mln available while there is strong demand amongst UK retail funds and property companies for such lot sizes. This increase in demand and frustrated capital has resulted in yield compression and DTZ said it expects stock to continue to attract competitive bidding.

Tigthening yields
Due to the weight of money currently in the market, yields in Q2 2014 have hardened for all shopping centre sub-sectors and are all continuing to trend inwards, according to DTZ. Super-prime yields have come in since Q1 2014 and are now at 4.5%, supported by the 30% transaction in Bluewater at the end of June.

This is a benchmark for the super prime market although it is worth noting a premium applies for this unique asset. Prime yields have shifted inwards to 5.25% while yields for dominant secondary shopping centres have come in over the quarter to 6.75%/7.5%, an example being Golden Square Shopping Centre, Warrington, which recently exchanged at circa 6.75%. Similarly, secondary shopping centre yields have also come in over Q2 2014 to 7.75%/8.5%, an example being Washington Square, Workington. Yields for tertiary shopping centres are at 9%.

Sustained demand
Barry O’Donnell, head of shopping centre investment at DTZ, said: 'The first half of 2014 has been extremely active and we expect to see no let-up in demand. There is a large weight of money in the market and we are only seeing the start of Asian capital investing in shopping centres in the UK and Europe. Talking points continue to be Scottish devolution and the increase in amount and competitiveness of leverage in the sector.'