Jones Lang LaSalle has confirmed that Nigel Roberts, director and chairman of EMEA Research, has decided to leave the firm after a career spanning nearly 30 years. Roberts intends to pursue client-side opportunities.

Jones Lang LaSalle has confirmed that Nigel Roberts, director and chairman of EMEA Research, has decided to leave the firm after a career spanning nearly 30 years. Roberts intends to pursue client-side opportunities.

JLL said that Roberts joined the company in 1981 and has played a pivotal role in the development of the JLL research function both in Europe and worldwide, as well as in the broader research community.

He was instrumental, the global property services group said, in building Jones Lang LaSalle's Consultancy and Research team in the 1980s and then went on to establish and guide the development of the pan-European Research team from the early 1990s. Roberts became Chairman of EMEA Research in 2008, after Paul Guest joined as Head of EMEA Research.

JLL also recently confirmed that Paul Guest is to move to Singapore to take on the role of Global Capital Markets Research Director, and Grant Fitzner is joining the firm to take on the Head of EMEA Research role.