Multi Corporation won two ICSC shopping centre awards at this year's annual conference in Prague, for its Forum Duisburg centre in Duisburg, Germany, and for Forum Barreiro, a development in Barreiro, Portugal. The Gouda-based developer also received a ReSource distinction for Forum Duisburg in recognition of its commitment to long-term sustainable development.
Multi Corporation won two ICSC shopping centre awards at this year's annual conference in Prague, for its Forum Duisburg centre in Duisburg, Germany, and for Forum Barreiro, a development in Barreiro, Portugal. The Gouda-based developer also received a ReSource distinction for Forum Duisburg in recognition of its commitment to long-term sustainable development.
Entries this year competed in six categories: Small New Centres (less than 30,000 m2), Medium New Centres (30,000 - 45,000 m2), Large New Centres (45,000 - 80,000 m2), Very Large Centres (Over 80,000 m2), Refurbishment and Extensions and Specialised Centres
Multi's Forum Duisburg won an award in the category for New Large Developments and the ReSource distinction for sustainable development. Forum Barreiro in Portugal won an award in the category for Small New Centres. UK-based Grosvenor won the award for Liverpool One in Liverpool in the category Very Large Centres, while Greek developer Lamda won the award for Medium New Centres with its Golden Hall in Athens. Spanish outlet developer Neinver won a certificate of merit for exceptional management for its Galeria Malta in Poznan, Poland while Portuguese developer Sonae Sierra won the award for Refurbishment and Extensions for its Valecenter in Venice, Italy.
This year, 19 centres made it onto the short list of finalists representing eight countries across Europe, ICSC said..The Awards Jury consists of senior international figures within the shopping centre industry and any retail or entertainment project opened or newly refurbished or extended between 1 July 2007 and 30 June 2009 was eligible to apply for an award.
All European winners will be automatically submitted to the 2010 ICSC International Awards Program to be announced in December 2010.