Morgan Stanley resigned last month as one of the joint financial advisors to Brixton, the UK-listed industrial and warehouse real estate investment trust (REIT). The decision by Morgan Stanley follows John Carrafiell's move from Morgan Stanley's investment banking division to run the bank's global real estate principal investing and investment management business. Carrafiell is a managing director of Morgan Stanley and global co-head of Morgan Stanley real estate. He was head of Morgan Stanley's European real estate group from 1995 to 2005. Citigroup and Lehman Brothers remain as joint financial advisers and joint brokers to Brixton.

Morgan Stanley resigned last month as one of the joint financial advisors to Brixton, the UK-listed industrial and warehouse real estate investment trust (REIT). The decision by Morgan Stanley follows John Carrafiell's move from Morgan Stanley's investment banking division to run the bank's global real estate principal investing and investment management business. Carrafiell is a managing director of Morgan Stanley and global co-head of Morgan Stanley real estate. He was head of Morgan Stanley's European real estate group from 1995 to 2005. Citigroup and Lehman Brothers remain as joint financial advisers and joint brokers to Brixton.