French property company MMI Investissements has acquired three different types of property assets in the Ile-de-France region. The company has bought a majority stake in a 1,085 m[sup]2[/sup] development project in Moussy le Neuf, Seine-et-Marne, at a yield of 9.65%. Gemofis acted as advisor for the buyer.
French property company MMI Investissements has acquired three different types of property assets in the Ile-de-France region. The company has bought a majority stake in a 1,085 m2 development project in Moussy le Neuf, Seine-et-Marne, at a yield of 9.65%. Gemofis acted as advisor for the buyer.
MMI also purchased a 1,957 m2 business warehouse with attached offices in Val d'Oise. This empty property has recently been renovated, and is expected to generate a yield of 9.5%. DTZ advised MMI. Additionally, MMI Investissements acquired a 1,500 m2 office situated in the fifteen arrondissement of Paris.
This building, prelet to ANPE and Assedic, will be renovated in the coming months. The expected yield is 6 %, property magazine Business Immo reported.