Neinver, Europe’s second-largest operator of outlet centres, has reported a strong increase in both foot fall and sales during 2013.

Neinver, Europe’s second-largest operator of outlet centres, has reported a strong increase in both foot fall and sales during 2013.

The fifteen outlet centres Neinver manages in Europe received more than 39.4 million visits in 2013, up 12% from 2012. Additionally, total sales rose to €863.5 mln, 11% higher than in 2012.

The overall indicators for the portfolio that the company manages, which also includes shopping centres and retail-warehouse parks, were over €1 bn in sales (up 11%), while visits rose by 16% to 55 mln customers

Roppenheim The Style Outlets in France achieved strong figures by the first anniversary of its 2012 opening. Foot traffic exceeded one million people, and visits and sales were up by 14% and 38% respectively over the previous year.

In Germany, Zweibrücken The Style Outlets increased its foot traffic by 3% for a total of 3.4 million people, and it once again bolstered its annual sales by 6%.

In Italy, Vicolungo The Style Outlets and Castel Guelfo The Style Outlets boosted their foot traffic for a combined total of more than 6 million visitors, reflecting a slight improvement of 1% over the previous year. The 2013 sales figures were also 3% higher than the prior year’s.

Poland remains a growing market for the company. In 2013, 11.8 million people visited the outlet centres that Neinver manages in Poland. This 8% rise was partly due to the opening of the company’s second outlet centre in Warsaw, FACTORY Annopol. This upward trend is also reflected in the sales numbers for the five outlet centres in Poland, which rose 23% from the previous year.

In Portugal, there was a notable sales increase at Vila Do Conde The Style Outlets, up 11% from the prior year. More than 4 million people visited the centre last year, 4% above the 2012 figure. In May 2013, the centre’s food court was renovated to create versatile, comfortable common spaces.

In Spain, where consumption remains weak due to difficult macroeconomic conditions, the five The Style Outlets centres that Neinver manages in the country still recorded very positive progress. Foot traffic increased by 10% over the previous year, exceeding 12.7 million visits, and sales rose by 6%.

Last September, Neinver’s three Madrid-area centres joined the international brand The Style Outlets, culminating the Spanish roll-out of this European best-in-class platform. The three Madrid centres and the centres in Seville and A Coruña now operate under The Style Outlets brand, and all continue to record very positive results.

The retail properties welcomed 55 million visitors, and sales exceeded €1 bn.