Greenman Energy, a joint venture between the Greenman Group and its fund Greenman Open, has signed a deal with Frankfurt-based developer Schoofs Immobilien to equip all its projects with rooftop solar panels and EV hyper-charging stations.

Greenman to install solar panels and EV charging stations at German retail parks

Greenman to Install Solar Panels and EV Charging Stations at German Retail Parks

The partnership with Schoofs, which was signed at Mipim this week, will kick off with 11 mixed-use retail parks valued at around €215 mln and comprising a total of 24,000 m2 of roof space.

Schoofs is currently developing the parks for Greenman Open, one of the largest food retail-focused investment funds in Germany with more than €1 bn of assets under management. All new Schoofs properties are seeking DGNB Gold certification.

Greenman Energy aims to provide up to 85% of the green electricity it generates to the retail park tenants, mostly large grocery chains, with which purchase agreements will be drawn up based on their demand.

Maximilian Bley, CEO of Greenman Energy, said: ‘We are delighted to continue our collaboration with Schoofs Immobilien and combine their expertise in real estate development with our solutions for effective PV installations and EV charging infrastructure.’

He said the renewable energy initiative would support Greenman Open’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint to zero by 2050. In addition, installing charging stations for electric vehicles powered by solar energy would help retail park tenants reduce their own Scope 3 carbon emissions.

Mohamed Younis, managing director of Schoofs Immobilien Frankfurt, noted: ‘I am convinced that the successful development of real estate is to create added value for society and its environment.

‘Not only do we want to reduce the carbon footprint of our new construction projects, but we also want to make an important contribution to the energy transition and the expansion of critical infrastructure. Greenman Energy's expertise and practical experience in renewable energy makes us confident that together we will create a sustainable future for our properties.’