French Gecina may suspend its plan to consolidate its residential assets in a dedicated unit called Resico to be floated on the stock market. The possible suspension is a result of the 'complex separation agreement between Metrovacesa's main shareholders', Gecina said in a press release on Tuesday. Its shares fell 3.14% to EUR 137.15 by Tuesday afternoon.
French Gecina may suspend its plan to consolidate its residential assets in a dedicated unit called Resico to be floated on the stock market. The possible suspension is a result of the 'complex separation agreement between Metrovacesa's main shareholders', Gecina said in a press release on Tuesday. Its shares fell 3.14% to EUR 137.15 by Tuesday afternoon.
Metrovacesa is the Spanish group that controls 68% of Gecina. It decided in February to split up from its French property unit to end a shareholders' battle for control that was exhausting Spain's largest property group. Gecina's chairman and ceo Joaquin Rivero has called for an emergency meeting of Gecina's board to be convened on March 6, 2007, in order to look at the possible suspension of the Resico project.