Franz Haniel & Cie, the investment company that controls German retail group Metro with other shareholders, has confirmed that talks are ongoing regarding the sale of a portfolio of 45 Cash & Carry retail assets but declined to give any specifics on the potential buyer.

Franz Haniel & Cie, the investment company that controls German retail group Metro with other shareholders, has confirmed that talks are ongoing regarding the sale of a portfolio of 45 Cash & Carry retail assets but declined to give any specifics on the potential buyer.

According to the Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartel Office) website, US private equity group Cerberus Capital Management, through its Promontoria unit, in February asked Germany's antitrust authority to authorize a real estate acquisition from Haniel and two other Metro shareholders, Otto Beisheim and the Schmidt-Ruthenbeck family.

Franz Haniel & Cie, Otto Beisheim and the Schmidt-Ruthenbeck family announced in late 2010 that they were to start negotiations with several potential investors for the sale of the German portfolio, which is said to be valued at EUR 0.6-1 bn.

'As soon as the ink is dry on a contract we - the owner group of the mentioned properties - will issue a statement,' spokesman Dietmar Bochert said.