Austrian builder Meinl has won a public tender for the development of a 50,000 m[sup]2[/sup] shopping centre and a five-star hotel with 300 rooms in the northern Turkish city of Samsun. The investment value for the mall comes to about EUR 90 mln, with an expected yield of 11.5%. The opening is scheduled for year-end 2009. The development of the hotel will involve an additional EUR 28 mln.

Austrian builder Meinl has won a public tender for the development of a 50,000 m2 shopping centre and a five-star hotel with 300 rooms in the northern Turkish city of Samsun. The investment value for the mall comes to about EUR 90 mln, with an expected yield of 11.5%. The opening is scheduled for year-end 2009. The development of the hotel will involve an additional EUR 28 mln.

The scheme will be developed with the privately-owned Acteeum group, bringing the total number of Turkish malls developed by Meinl and Acteeum to six. Following the deal, Meinl's total portfolio in Turkey reached EUR 800 mln.