Poland is the fifth most important target for retailers in Europe in 2013, with Germany a definite number one, CBRE's ' How Active are Retailers in EMEA?' report says.

Poland is the fifth most important target for retailers in Europe in 2013, with Germany a definite number one, CBRE's ' How Active are Retailers in EMEA?' report says.

Poland’s ranking in the top 5 - the only country in CEE to make it into this group - reflects the country's optimistic outlook and resilient economy. Poland has moved up 5 positions from the 2011 ranking, taking over countries such as Russia and Belgium. Over 22% of the leading retailers surveyed declare they will expand their store network in the Polish market next year, in comparison to 26% last year, reflecting fading retailers' interest across the board.

The report found that retailers’ overall expansion plans for next year have not changed significantly from 2012. A similar proportion of retailers (44%) plans to open 10 stores or less in EMEA in 2013.

One third of retailers - up from last year - plan to open 11-30 stores, reflecting an ambitious level of expansion given the difficulty in accessing prime space in many markets. 20% of retailers have large-scale expansion plans, looking to open more than 30 stores in 2013, compared to 25% of retailers last year.

'The expansion plans of global retailers in Poland are good news for the owners and developers of modern retail space located in shopping centres and in the high streets of Polish cities,' said Magdalena Fr¹tczak, director of retail at CBRE in Poland. 'Many schemes are currently undergoing expansion or refurbishment, and they will be more than happy to welcome new retailers to their upgraded spaces,’ 'However, retailers are increasingly selective in their choice of locations, sometimes taking years to secure the right location for their new store rather than opening it in a project they perceive as poorly corresponding with their brand values,' she added.