M&A Commercial Building Investment is poised to develop a modern office building within the Chopin Business Center in the western Polish city of Gorzow Wielkopolski. The three-storey property, designed by the local studio K2 Biuro Architektoniczne, will comprise 7,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of space and 60 parking spaces. M&A is currently in negotiations with potential tenants and is planning to submit a planning permission in June. Completion is scheduled for 2008, Polish newspaper Eurobuild reported. The investment value for the development has not been disclosed.

M&A Commercial Building Investment is poised to develop a modern office building within the Chopin Business Center in the western Polish city of Gorzow Wielkopolski. The three-storey property, designed by the local studio K2 Biuro Architektoniczne, will comprise 7,000 m2 of space and 60 parking spaces. M&A is currently in negotiations with potential tenants and is planning to submit a planning permission in June. Completion is scheduled for 2008, Polish newspaper Eurobuild reported. The investment value for the development has not been disclosed.