London-based property company Moorfield has clinched the single largest letting deal to date at its Westway complex in Glasgow. The Malcolm Group, described as Scotland's largest distribution company, has leased a total of 10,498 m[sup]2[/sup] (113,000 square feet) in Block K at Westway for £3.29 per square foot. Property advisor Jones Lang LaSalle acted for Moorfield.

London-based property company Moorfield has clinched the single largest letting deal to date at its Westway complex in Glasgow. The Malcolm Group, described as Scotland's largest distribution company, has leased a total of 10,498 m2 (113,000 square feet) in Block K at Westway for £3.29 per square foot. Property advisor Jones Lang LaSalle acted for Moorfield.

The deal is the single largest letting since Moorfield purchased Westway in 2004. It follows two lettings of 1,850 m2 at the complex to Kintetsu and VF Intimates respectively, and a letting of 2,800 m2 to Star Refrigeration. Jones Lang LaSalle said it expects another letting of 2,800 m2 to be concluded later this month.