Macquarie Goodman, the Australian logistics property group, expects the Netherlands, Ireland, Spain and Finland to yield the highest returns for the logistics sector this year. The returns in these four countries will be above 10% for 2007, 2% more than the rest of Eurozone, according to research by Arlington Securities, a property services and investment management business acquired by Macquarie Goodman two years ago.
Macquarie Goodman, the Australian logistics property group, expects the Netherlands, Ireland, Spain and Finland to yield the highest returns for the logistics sector this year. The returns in these four countries will be above 10% for 2007, 2% more than the rest of Eurozone, according to research by Arlington Securities, a property services and investment management business acquired by Macquarie Goodman two years ago.
The rental growth for logistics real estate should also improve from minus 0.9% in 2006 to more than plus 0.6% in 2007 due to the shortage of modern storage space in prime locations, Macquarie Goodman said. The take-up of logistics property was higher in 2006 in most markets in Europe than in 2005. Due to a shortage of available land and high land prices next to large cities, logistic developments are increasing shifting further from urban areas. More than EUR 10 bn was invested in logistics real estate last year, twice as much as in 2000. 'The growth illustrates a strong increase in acceptance among property investors of logistics as a fully fledged investment sector,' Macquarie Goodman said.
On 27 June, the company's shareholders will vote on a proposal to drop Macquarie from the company name.