Densification and diversity of urban functions will be two major trends in French urban planning projects, according to research by Dutch property developer MAB Development.

Densification and diversity of urban functions will be two major trends in French urban planning projects, according to research by Dutch property developer MAB Development.

The trends emerged from a survey conducted ealier this year among 50 local politicians, managing directors, town planning and development directors of local councils with more than 50,000 inhabitants, as well as public development bodies (EPAs) and mixed economy corporations (SEMs), distributed across France, MAB said in a statement.

More than 40% of the respondents identified densification as a solution to the growing problem of urban sprawl, to preserve agricultural land and countryside. The second trend the survey identified is the diversification of property uses. ‘By grouping housing, offices, retail space, and sports and cultural facilities in the same zone, the objective is to create vibrant districts, during the week and at weekends,´ MAB said.

Diversity may also relate to the buildings themselves, the company added. Buildings could incorporate several functions, such as traditional retail space on the ground floor, housing and offices on the upper floors and possibly cultural or sports facilities.

Although the majority of projects focus on city centres or district centres, the outskirts will also be important, both in terms of new construction and renovation projects. According to Alexis Mariani, Head of Urban and Natural Land of Lille Métropole, these trends are partly the result of the evolution of industrial landscapes. `Industries have left numerous wastelands in our city centres. Urban renewal will enable us to rebuild the city from these wastelands.´