Listed real estate company London & Stamford Property (L&S) will be included in the FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe Index as of Monday 20 December 2010.

Listed real estate company London & Stamford Property (L&S) will be included in the FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe Index as of Monday 20 December 2010.

It passed all eligibility criteria during the Index's December Quarterly Review with an investability weight of 100%, according to EPRA.

Key to the company's successful inclusion was the high level of liquidity of the stock [LSP LN Equity] since its transfer from the AIM Market to the Main Market of the LSE.

Philip Charls, CEO of EPRA commented: 'We are very pleased to include L&S to the EPRA Europe Index and increase the market capitalisation and visibility of both the company and the EPRA Index going forward.'

Patrick Vaughan, L&S Chief Executive Officer commented: 'EPRA Index inclusion for L&S is a sign of the strength and professionalism of our team and strategy - now broadcast globally to the investor community.'

The EPRA index is a global benchmark, and most widely used investment index for listed real estate. The total number of constituents on the index, after the L&S inclusion, stands at 82, which represents a free-float market capitalisation of approx. EUR 90 bn.