Liz Peace has announced she will shortly step down from her position as chief executive of the British Property Federation.

Liz Peace has announced she will shortly step down from her position as chief executive of the British Property Federation.

Peace has been at the helm of the BPF - an organisation representing real estate owners and investors in the UK - since January 2002.

She is stepping down in order to spend more time with her charitable and non-executive interests. In a statement, Peace said: 'Over the last 12 years I have had an incredibly happy and fulfilling time looking after the interests of the property sector. I know that the BPF has been able to change for the better the way our industry is perceived within the legislative, planning, tax and regulatory landscape in which we operate.'

David Marks, current President of the BPF, commented: “Liz has been a great leader of the Federation and we will be sorry to see her go, but understand entirely her wish to pursue her other many and varied interests. She has achieved a tremendous amount for our industry and in particular has totally transformed the way in which the sector is regarded by those in Government and other stakeholder bodies. Under her leadership the BPF played a crucial role in introducing REITs to the UK property industry and in helping to inform significant changes to the planning system.'

The BPF has begun the search for a new CEO, and it is expected that Liz will continue to lead the organisation until a successor is identified and in-place, at some point in autumn 2014.