Listed Belgian real estate fund Leasinvest said it is withdrawing its offer for Luxembourg investment company Immo Croissance, following the counter-bid launched on 26 June by Icelandic group Baugur at EUR 329.15 per distribution share and EUR 926.16 per capitalisation share. Baugur's bid is almost 11% higher than the offer made by Leasinvest Real Estate and values Immo Croissance at about EUR 130.7 mln. The company owns an office portfolio in Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany.

Listed Belgian real estate fund Leasinvest said it is withdrawing its offer for Luxembourg investment company Immo Croissance, following the counter-bid launched on 26 June by Icelandic group Baugur at EUR 329.15 per distribution share and EUR 926.16 per capitalisation share. Baugur's bid is almost 11% higher than the offer made by Leasinvest Real Estate and values Immo Croissance at about EUR 130.7 mln. The company owns an office portfolio in Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany.

Last week, another Belgian property company also in the running to buy Immo Croissance, Cofinimmo, was reportedly considering to withdraw its takeover bid offer. Cofinimmo offered EUR 282.47 per distribution share and EUR 794.80 per capitalisation share.