Leader Real Estate International, a subsidiary of Israel-based Leader Holdings and Investments, has bought a land plot located 70 km from the centre of Moscow. The site has been zoned for 7,000 apartments and 13,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of commercial property with a further 8,000 m[sup]2[/sup] earmarked for public buildings. The project, with an estimated cost of EUR 272 mln, will be built in stages.
Leader Real Estate International, a subsidiary of Israel-based Leader Holdings and Investments, has bought a land plot located 70 km from the centre of Moscow. The site has been zoned for 7,000 apartments and 13,000 m2 of commercial property with a further 8,000 m2 earmarked for public buildings. The project, with an estimated cost of EUR 272 mln, will be built in stages.
Leader Holdings and Investments, a member of the SKF group, indirectly owns 64% of the subsidiary, which is looking for a partner to complete 50% of the project. The deal was made through the acquisition of a Cypriot company for EUR 2.2 mln.