LaSalle Investment Management has completed a major refurbishment of the Lion Walk shopping centre in Colchester. The 18,600-m[sup]2[/sup] shopping centre is home to 35 of Britain’s most popular retailers, the asset manager said.

LaSalle Investment Management has completed a major refurbishment of the Lion Walk shopping centre in Colchester. The 18,600-m2 shopping centre is home to 35 of Britain’s most popular retailers, the asset manager said.

LaSalle purchased Lion Walk in 2008 on behalf of its LaSalle UK Ventures Fund and immediately set about planning the £1.5 mln refurbishment of the 1970s designed site in order to upgrade and modernise the fabric and common areas. An Apple re-seller has committed to a unit at 7 Lion Walk and a new flagship Topshop/Topman is due to open at 20/21 Culver Walk in the Autumn.

Paul Till, national director, LaSalle Investment Management said, 'When we purchased the Lion Walk shopping centre it was clear that there was an opportunity to redesign and refurbish this prime location to enhance the asset and improve the shopping experience. However, it was important that any work reflected the heritage of the city and provided a timeless quality, reducing the requirement for additional capital investment in future years. We were also determined to get maximum value for money for our investors.'