Swedish listed property company Kungsleden is acquiring three properties in Gavle, Motala and Osteraker, Sweden, through three separate transactions for a total purchase price of SEK 144 mln (EUR 15 mln). The total lettable floor space is just over 28,000 m2, while the total rental value amounts to nearly SEK 14 mln. The main tenants are TermoRegulator and ByggMax. The estimated property yield is 7.5% on average for the three properties. Kungsleden will take possession of the properties in the fall.

Swedish listed property company Kungsleden is acquiring three properties in Gavle, Motala and Osteraker, Sweden, through three separate transactions for a total purchase price of SEK 144 mln (EUR 15 mln). The total lettable floor space is just over 28,000 m2, while the total rental value amounts to nearly SEK 14 mln. The main tenants are TermoRegulator and ByggMax. The estimated property yield is 7.5% on average for the three properties. Kungsleden will take possession of the properties in the fall.