Listed Swedish property company Kungsleden has acquired the Bromsregulatorn 1 property in Landskrona, southernmost Sweden. The seller of the property is Swedish private real estate company Fastighets LE Lundberg. The purchase price amounts to SEK 199 mln (EUR 21 mln), reflecting an initial yield of 7.6%. The property has a lettable area of about 32,600 m[sup]2[/sup] consisting mainly of production facilities with a rental value of SEK 16 mln. The company said the premise is leased to Haldex Brake Products with an average lease length of 11.5 years.

Listed Swedish property company Kungsleden has acquired the Bromsregulatorn 1 property in Landskrona, southernmost Sweden. The seller of the property is Swedish private real estate company Fastighets LE Lundberg. The purchase price amounts to SEK 199 mln (EUR 21 mln), reflecting an initial yield of 7.6%. The property has a lettable area of about 32,600 m2 consisting mainly of production facilities with a rental value of SEK 16 mln. The company said the premise is leased to Haldex Brake Products with an average lease length of 11.5 years.