Sweden's Klovern has sold all its Kalmar and Eskilstuna properties to real estate company Dagon for EUR 76 mln. Klovern told PropertyEU that the sale consists of 11 commercial properties in Kalmar, south-eastern Sweden, with an average occupancy rate of 88%. It also includes four assets in Eskilstuna near Stockholm. The majority of the properties, comprising a total 89,000 m2, are offices and warehouses.

Sweden's Klovern has sold all its Kalmar and Eskilstuna properties to real estate company Dagon for EUR 76 mln. Klovern told PropertyEU that the sale consists of 11 commercial properties in Kalmar, south-eastern Sweden, with an average occupancy rate of 88%. It also includes four assets in Eskilstuna near Stockholm. The majority of the properties, comprising a total 89,000 m2, are offices and warehouses.

The sale price exceeds the most recently reported fair value by EUR 13 mln, Klovern added. 'We have decided to focus on 10 units with a view to concentrating resources at places where we currently consider the development potential for Klovern to be greatest,' said Klovern's ceo Gustaf Hermelin.

Klovern, which is listed on the Stockholm stock exchange, develops properties in large Swedish cities. Its portfolio is valued at EUR 1.15 bn.