Atrium European Real Estate has appointed Josip Kardun, chief operating officer and deputy CEO, to succeed the current CEO Rachel Lavine.

Atrium European Real Estate has appointed Josip Kardun, chief operating officer and deputy CEO, to succeed the current CEO Rachel Lavine.

Lavine will assume the role of executive vice chairman and remain a director of Atrium. The appointments are effective from 30 November 2014

Kardun joined Atrium earlier this year after a seven-year stint at European retail property specialist ECE Projektmanagement. During this period, where he worked in a number of senior positions, most recently as its chief investment officer and head of mergers & acquisitions and transaction management. He also serves on the executive board of ICSC Europe.

In her new role, Lavine will continue her involvement in the overall strategic direction and development of the Atrium group.

Atrium board chairman Chaim Katzman commended Lavine for her 'untiring efforts' and 'many and varied contributions' to the successful transformation of the group during her tenure as CEO.

Katzman: 'Rachel Lavine has acted as CEO of the Atrium group since the change of control of Atrium was effected in August 2008, and has shown considerable skill, talent and acumen in transforming the group into one of the leading and most respected real estate enterprises in Europe. Under Rachel’s leadership, the Atrium group has experienced five consecutive years of growth, seen its portfolio enhanced through strategic acquisitions, dispositions and development and established a regime of strong corporate transparency. In addition, Rachel has built up a team of highly professional and dedicated executive officers. We are absolutely delighted that she will continue in a senior executive and strategic role within the group.'

Katzman added that Kardun’s 'wealth of experience, in-depth knowledge of the group’s business activities and its regions of operation' made him 'a worthy successor' as CEO. 'The Board joins me in wishing him every success in his new position.'

Atrium is a real estate company focussed on shopping centre investment, management and development in Central and Eastern Europe. At end-March 2014, the group owned 153 shopping centres and retail properties, with a market value of €2.5 bn, diversified across seven countries with a total gross lettable area of 1.3 million m2. In 2013, Atrium lifted gross rental income by 5% from the previous year to €203.5 mln.