Fortune magazine has added global property advisor Jones Lang LaSalle to its 10th annual list of the '100 best companies to work for'. Ranked 66th, Jones Lang LaSalle is the only real estate services company to appear on the prestigious index.

Fortune magazine has added global property advisor Jones Lang LaSalle to its 10th annual list of the '100 best companies to work for'. Ranked 66th, Jones Lang LaSalle is the only real estate services company to appear on the prestigious index.

The list is compiled annually by the Great Place to Work Institute in San Francisco for Fortune magazine.

The ranking is based on two factors - an evaluation of the company's policies and culture, and employee opinion. The latter, which makes up two-thirds of the score, is gauged by anonymous responses from at least 400 randomly-selected workers.

In late December, Jones Lang LaSalle retained a place on the Forbes' Platinum 400, which is also known as America's Best Big Companies. In the last six out of seven years, the Platinum 400 has outperformed the stock market over the following 12 months.

Declaring that Jones Lang LaSalle was striving to be 'not the biggest but the best', company president and ceo Colin Dyer told PropertyEU: 'These sort of awards are saying that we are on the right track'.