Jones Lang LaSalle issued today part two of the Retail 2020 study Power to the People / Consumer Cut-through. Retail 2020, which was launched on 28 May via a bespoke interactive website, examines the rapidly changing global retail landscape over the next ten years.
Jones Lang LaSalle issued today part two of the Retail 2020 study Power to the People / Consumer Cut-through. Retail 2020, which was launched on 28 May via a bespoke interactive website, examines the rapidly changing global retail landscape over the next ten years.
Beatrice Mouton, regional director, head of Retail CEE at Jones Lang LaSalle said: 'Part two of Retail 2020 considers the inexorable rise of consumer choice and the changing relationship between not just retailers and consumers, but manufacturers as well. It pays particular attention to how the internet and associated technologies continue to liberate consumer power.
'This section of the report also explores consumers’ emotional attachment to shopping, and how the consumer profile itself is changing: the baby boomers are retiring; the number of young adults is falling dramatically and more men than ever before are engaged in the whole retail experience. Consumers are more demanding than they’ve ever been and are gradually seizing power away from retailers and manufacturers. This chapter tells us how retailers can thrive in such a competitive and challenging environment'.