Jerusalem Economic Corporation (Jec) has acquired seven properties in a sale-and-leaseback transaction in Northern France for almost EUR 72.8 mln. Israeli financial newspaper Globes said the 221,500 m[sup]2[/sup] portfolio was bought from a major manufacturing company and generates a annual rental income of EUR 6.6 mln. The unidentified seller is leasing back the properties for a 12-year term.
Jerusalem Economic Corporation (Jec) has acquired seven properties in a sale-and-leaseback transaction in Northern France for almost EUR 72.8 mln. Israeli financial newspaper Globes said the 221,500 m2 portfolio was bought from a major manufacturing company and generates a annual rental income of EUR 6.6 mln. The unidentified seller is leasing back the properties for a 12-year term.
JEC is an Israel-based real estate and development company that is active through subsidiaries in the acquisition, development and rent of industrial, commercial and office buildings in Israel, the US, Canada, the Netherlands, France, Poland, Portugal and Germany.