IVG Immobilien has bought a portfolio of eight real estate assets in the Dusseldorf region from CM Capital Management for EUR 76 mln. The portfolio includes properties 'at very good locations' in Dusseldorf (six assets), Cologne (one asset) and Krefeld (one asset) and covers some 43,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space mainly leased to Debeka, Fortis and Steria Mummert Consulting. The occupancy rate amounts to 92%, while the average remaining lease period is about three years.

IVG Immobilien has bought a portfolio of eight real estate assets in the Dusseldorf region from CM Capital Management for EUR 76 mln. The portfolio includes properties 'at very good locations' in Dusseldorf (six assets), Cologne (one asset) and Krefeld (one asset) and covers some 43,000 m2 of office space mainly leased to Debeka, Fortis and Steria Mummert Consulting. The occupancy rate amounts to 92%, while the average remaining lease period is about three years.

Georg Reul of IVG's board, said: 'The positive economic situation in Germany will affect positively demand of real estate in Germany. We will profit from rising rents. The portfolio can be very well placed into IVG's planned Office REIT.'