IVG Institutional Funds (IVG IF) has acquired an office building at Via Goito in the centre of Rome from a fund managed by Savills Investment Management Sgr for €30 mln.

IVG Institutional Funds (IVG IF) has acquired an office building at Via Goito in the centre of Rome from a fund managed by Savills Investment Management Sgr for €30 mln.

The property was acquired on behalf of a German special fund managed by IVG IF.

Built in 1887, the historic office building was restored and upgraded in 2012, receiving a Leed Gold energy certificate shortly thereafter. It provides around 5,000 m2 of office space fully let to four international tenants.

ING Bank, DLA Piper, CBRE and consultants Arco-Engineering and Habitec advised on the deal.