The Agenzia del Demanio, Italy’s public property agency, and the country’s Defence Ministry have signed a decree authorising the transfer of 198 former barracks to the state’s disposable real estate portfolio. The properties have been valued at EUR 1.1 bn.

The Agenzia del Demanio, Italy’s public property agency, and the country’s Defence Ministry have signed a decree authorising the transfer of 198 former barracks to the state’s disposable real estate portfolio. The properties have been valued at EUR 1.1 bn.

The 198 properties will be transferred to the Agenzia del Demanio by 31 December 2007 and will become part of what is known as the Valore Paese project, which is geared towards the development and enhancement of the state’s public property portfolio.

The decree involving the 198 barracks is the second of four decrees planned to sanction the transfer of the state’s former military buildings to the disposable property portfolio. In an initial decree approved in February 2007, 201 real estate assets with a value of more than EUR 1 bn were identified for transfer. In total, the entire package of ex-military properties expected to be transferred to this portfolio has been valued at EUR 4 bn.