Italian builder Impresa Rusconi is halting the construction of its flagship Torre Milano project on concerns over the spread of Coronavirus.

Torre Milano

Torre Milano

The company’s owners said that that closing the construction site was a ‘difficult and painful’ decision but felt that it was the right thing to do in the interest of workers and their families, particularly given that many workers on the site come from the provinces of Bergamo and Brescia, the most affected by the virus.

Upon completion, the skyscraper is expected to reach 86 meters and comprise a total of 105 apartments.

Earlier this month the Italian association of builders Ance had announced that the industry was prepared to suspend construction activities across the country to counter the spread of the Coronavirus but the government has not deemed it necessary so far.

Yesterday Strabag, Austria’s largest construction company, announced that it is halting its regular construction operations effective immediately as a result of the Coronavirus epidemic.

The order, which applies indefinitely until further notice, affects for now around 1,000 sites across the country but the builder also noted that it may be extended to the other group countries in the future.

The company said it was forced to take this ‘drastic step’ to prevent the spread of the virus as it could not guarantee a minimum working distance. Another major issue for the construction industry at the moment is the availability of construction materials, with the builder saying that the normal supply chain of both materials and subcontractors is no longer ensured.