Italian real estate company Finanziaria Lago has acquired a 65% stake in the landmark Gran Hotel Villa d'Este on Lake Como in Northern Italy for a total of EUR 260 mln. The 101,000 m[sup]2[/sup] luxury complex, comprising a hotel and two private villas, was sold by Finanziaria Regina, owner of a 53% stake, and other minor shareholders. The buyer was advised by Sim Corporate Family Office and Corporate Family Office Servizi.

Italian real estate company Finanziaria Lago has acquired a 65% stake in the landmark Gran Hotel Villa d'Este on Lake Como in Northern Italy for a total of EUR 260 mln. The 101,000 m2 luxury complex, comprising a hotel and two private villas, was sold by Finanziaria Regina, owner of a 53% stake, and other minor shareholders. The buyer was advised by Sim Corporate Family Office and Corporate Family Office Servizi.

Earlier this year, the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, reportedly launched bid for the complex, which is incorporated in the company Villa d'Este Spa, headed by Jean Marc Droulers.