Irish-based real estate developer Moritz Group has announced the launch of Felix Plaza project, a 35,000 m[sup]2[/sup] office building with 24 floors and a heliport, in Bucharest.

Irish-based real estate developer Moritz Group has announced the launch of Felix Plaza project, a 35,000 m2 office building with 24 floors and a heliport, in Bucharest.

'The Felix Plaza project will bring a radical change to the domestic office market, offering world class specifications that will turn this building into a Bucharest landmark. The parking standards, air conditioning, floor heights and floor plans will be the best available in Europe. Felix Plaza will be Romania's first office building that will boast a heliport. Moreover, it is intended to fit it with exterior elevators, another first for Victoriei Sq's architectural landscape,' said Catalin Secareanu, manager, Offices & Occupiers Service with Coldwell Banker Commercial Romania, the promoter of this project.

Victoriei Square has emerged is a location of choice for prime corporate headquarters, Coldwell Banker said. Major corporations such as Alpha Bank, BRD, Cosmote, HP, Microsoft, Oracle, Orange, Piraeus Bank, Rompetrol, and S&T have selected the location for their headquarters.

The investment for the first phase of the project is estimated at EUR 120 mln, with the developer due to invest a further EUR 60 mln for the second phase of the project, which will consist of another 15,000 m2 to be delivered in 2011-2012.