Frankfurt-based real estate company International Real Estate (IRE) has acquired a 27,600 m[sup]2[/sup] office near Brussels for an undisclosed amount. The property, which was formerly owned by Shell, is part of the 88,000 m[sup]2[/sup] Monnet Centre International Laboratory in Louvain la Neuve, Belgium. The oil company used the building, built in 1988, as its research center.

Frankfurt-based real estate company International Real Estate (IRE) has acquired a 27,600 m2 office near Brussels for an undisclosed amount. The property, which was formerly owned by Shell, is part of the 88,000 m2 Monnet Centre International Laboratory in Louvain la Neuve, Belgium. The oil company used the building, built in 1988, as its research center.

IRE said it is planning to add more office space, conference centres and a restaurant as the property has building permit for an additional 50,000 m2 of space. Atisreal Belgium acted for the seller.