Private property investors are keen to snap up the £2.6 bn (EUR 3.8 bn) in hotel assets targeted by UK REIT Vector Hospitality before the firm was forced to call off its planned IPO last week, reported The Times, citing Vector director Richard Balfour-Lynn.

Private property investors are keen to snap up the £2.6 bn (EUR 3.8 bn) in hotel assets targeted by UK REIT Vector Hospitality before the firm was forced to call off its planned IPO last week, reported The Times, citing Vector director Richard Balfour-Lynn.

The UK paper said Royal Bank for Scotland, which was planning to sell 15 hotels to Vector for £1.07 bn, was tipped to be the first to close a deal. Robson Asset management is reported to be offering £1.1 bn for the string of hotels, including 12 Hiltons, London’s Cumberland Hotel and the Park Inn at Heathrow.