Health insurer AFA Sjukforsakringsaktiebolag is buying the Gangaren 15 office property in Stockholm from Swedish construction and development giant Skanska for SEK 456 mln (about EUR 50 mln). Skanska's capital gain is SEK 132 mln (EUR 14 mln). Occupancy is scheduled for October 2007. Gangaren 15 comprises 11,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space and was completed in 2001 as part of Skanska's development in the Lindhagensterrassen area of the city. The offices are fully let.
Health insurer AFA Sjukforsakringsaktiebolag is buying the Gangaren 15 office property in Stockholm from Swedish construction and development giant Skanska for SEK 456 mln (about EUR 50 mln). Skanska's capital gain is SEK 132 mln (EUR 14 mln). Occupancy is scheduled for October 2007. Gangaren 15 comprises 11,000 m2 of office space and was completed in 2001 as part of Skanska's development in the Lindhagensterrassen area of the city. The offices are fully let.
Skanska said it is continuing to develop new premises at Lindhagensterrassen. Earlier this year, Skanska signed an agreement with insurance company Skandia to develop a 30,000 m2 property in the area for EUR 91 mln.