Thirty four European closed ended, non-listed real estate funds will terminate between 2022 and 2024. As a result, €9.61 bn of gross asset value (GAV) could be pumped back into the market. 

Thirty four European closed end, non-listed real estate funds will terminate between 2022 and 2024

Inrev reveals findings of annual fund termination study

That’s according to trade body Inrev, which said the majority of the funds (15) totalling €2.4 bn of assets planned to terminate by the end of this year.

Six worth €1.41 bn plan to end in 2013, and 13 worth €5.74 bn in 2024.

This compares with a similar figure of just over €10 bn identified for 2021 to 2023, in last year’s study.

The average performance returns of the terminating funds hit 6.0% in 2021, up from a low of -2.7% in 2020, reflecting the strong uptick in performance of European non-listed real estate last year.