The European Association for Investors in Non-listed Real Estate Vehicles(INREV) has announced that the deadline for its Investment Intentions Survey 2007 has been extended to Friday, November 17. INREV is conducting a survey on the investment intentions of institutional investors, fund of funds managers and fund managers active in the European non-listed real estate industry in cooperation with IPE Real Estate. The aim of the survey is to identify the key investment trends in the non-listed real estate industry in 2007 and to better understand institutional investors' current preferences.
The European Association for Investors in Non-listed Real Estate Vehicles(INREV) has announced that the deadline for its Investment Intentions Survey 2007 has been extended to Friday, November 17. INREV is conducting a survey on the investment intentions of institutional investors, fund of funds managers and fund managers active in the European non-listed real estate industry in cooperation with IPE Real Estate. The aim of the survey is to identify the key investment trends in the non-listed real estate industry in 2007 and to better understand institutional investors' current preferences.
You can complete the survey by going to: INREV said all responses to the survey will remain confidential and only aggregated results will be presented in the research report, key findings of which will be published in the January/February 2007 edition of IPE Real Estate. Respondent can subscribe to a complimentary copy of the full research report, which will be available in January 2007.