ING Real Estate Development plans to expand the Castel Guelfo Outlet City near Bologna with a further 11,500 m[sup]2[/sup] of retail space. Opened in 2004, the Castel Guelfo mall today provides 55 shops over some 11,500 m[sup]2[/sup]. About 50 new shops will be added to the centre to provide a total retail area of 23,000 m[sup]2[/sup]. The project will also include the development of a new parking lot with 1,000 spaces, as well as the construction of infrastructure to the connect the shopping centre to its surroundings.
ING Real Estate Development plans to expand the Castel Guelfo Outlet City near Bologna with a further 11,500 m2 of retail space. Opened in 2004, the Castel Guelfo mall today provides 55 shops over some 11,500 m2. About 50 new shops will be added to the centre to provide a total retail area of 23,000 m2. The project will also include the development of a new parking lot with 1,000 spaces, as well as the construction of infrastructure to the connect the shopping centre to its surroundings.
The shopping mall will feature new tenants such as Ferre, Borbonese, Ducati and Nike. Retail company Pantheon Retail is taking care of the marketing of the new retail spaces. Retail Pantheon has already been active with the marketing of the UK's Dalton retail park and the Parc du Cubzac in France.
The opening of the expanded mall is planned for autumn 2008. ING RE Development forecasts the expansion will increase the number of annual visits from 1.5 million to 3 million.