In a last-minute decision, three Indian exhibitors have decided to join the EXPO REAL trade fair which got underway yesterday in Munich, spokeswoman Petra Gagel said. ‘The Asian component is increasing. We already have some Asian representatives including the Koreans. Now we have the Indians for the first time as well.’
In a last-minute decision, three Indian exhibitors have decided to join the EXPO REAL trade fair which got underway yesterday in Munich, spokeswoman Petra Gagel said. ‘The Asian component is increasing. We already have some Asian representatives including the Koreans. Now we have the Indians for the first time as well.’
The international component of EXPO REAL is growing bigger each year, director Claudia Boymanns said during an interview with PropertyTV. This year there is also a large delegation from Russia, including new cities which are attending the fair for the first time, and a Turkish delegation.
Boymanns said she expected the international component to grow further next year, but there are no plans to expand the number of halls. This year’s event occupies a total of 63,000 m2 in six halls, the equivalent of 11 football fields. That marks a 20% increase over last year.
Boymanns said it was too early to see whether the credit crisis would have an impact on the event. ‘In any case, we have not seen any cancellations,’ she said.