Austrian property company Immoeast has acquired the Victoria park office complex in Bucharest for EUR 60 mln. The centre, which was developed by Liebrecht & Wood of Belgium, is located north of Bucharest and provides 20,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space. Immoeast has invested a total of EUR 355 mln in Romania since 2004, Romanian financial newspaper Ziarul Financiar reported.

Austrian property company Immoeast has acquired the Victoria park office complex in Bucharest for EUR 60 mln. The centre, which was developed by Liebrecht & Wood of Belgium, is located north of Bucharest and provides 20,000 m2 of office space. Immoeast has invested a total of EUR 355 mln in Romania since 2004, Romanian financial newspaper Ziarul Financiar reported.

On Wednesday, Immoeast also purchased an office portfolio in Prague for EUR 160 mln, the company's largest acquisition in the Czech Republic to date. Immoeast was founded by Vienna -based property company Immofinanz in 1999 to manage Immofinanz's activities in central Europe. Immoeast is also very active in Moscow, where it owns three shopping malls, including the 45,000m2 Fifth Avenue shopping mall it purchased last week.