Immochan, the property arm of French supermarket chain Auchan, has announced the creation of a new subsidiary in Romania, led by Tatian Diaconu and David Rosseel.

Immochan, the property arm of French supermarket chain Auchan, has announced the creation of a new subsidiary in Romania, led by Tatian Diaconu and David Rosseel.

The unit, which will initiallly manage two existing retail galleries, Auchan Pitesti and Auchan Titan-Bucarest, will also be responsible for the development of Immochan's first development projects in the country. In the Giuliesti part of Bucharest, Immochan plans to construct the group's first Auchan city on 5,000 m2 of space, with an adjoining retail gallery consisting of 2,050 m2. In Ghencea, a commercial gallery with 100 shops and a 11,200-m2 Auchan hypermarket is planned.

Auchan Group has been active in Romania since 2006 and currently manages nine hypermarkets in the country.

Eric Deleplanque, managing director of Immochan said: 'We have initiated a strategy for a sustainable development in Eastern Europe and particularly in Romania.