Madrid-based real estate company Inmocaral is seeking to acquire the remaining 20.05% of France's Societe Fonciere Lyonnaise (SFL) which it does not already own. Immocarel is offering EUR 55 per share. It is obliged by French law to make following its EUR 3.76 bn takeover in September of SFL's parent company Colonial. SFL manages a real estate portfolio of nearly EUR 3.2 bn. The properties are mainly located in the Central Business District of Paris.

Madrid-based real estate company Inmocaral is seeking to acquire the remaining 20.05% of France's Societe Fonciere Lyonnaise (SFL) which it does not already own. Immocarel is offering EUR 55 per share. It is obliged by French law to make following its EUR 3.76 bn takeover in September of SFL's parent company Colonial. SFL manages a real estate portfolio of nearly EUR 3.2 bn. The properties are mainly located in the Central Business District of Paris.