Germany's IC Real Estate Group said on Tuesday it is to asset and property manage 41 properties by Sparkasse Sudholstein savings bank in Schleswig-Holstein. The bank divested the 48,000 m[sup]2[/sup] portfolio through a sale-and-leaseback transaction by selling them to the IC Real Estate and IC's real estate investment trust (REIT), Fair-Value Immobilien.

Germany's IC Real Estate Group said on Tuesday it is to asset and property manage 41 properties by Sparkasse Sudholstein savings bank in Schleswig-Holstein. The bank divested the 48,000 m2 portfolio through a sale-and-leaseback transaction by selling them to the IC Real Estate and IC's real estate investment trust (REIT), Fair-Value Immobilien.

By the end of the year, IC plans to add seven predominantly residential properties to its own portfolio,as they are ineligible for inclusion in the German version of the REIT. Fair-Value will take over 34 properties and turn these over to IC to manage as the ervice provider. The bank has signed 10 to 18-year leases on the properties.

Fair-Value is one of the first German property companies with 'pre-REIT' status. IC Real Estate Group signed service contracts with Fair-Value last August in relation to the provision of asset and property management and corporate services for an initial term of four years.