The international arm of Germany's Hypo Real Estate Bank has taken a 27% stake in a 3-month bridging loan of AUD 4.2 bn (EUR 2.5 bn) granted to Post Financier Pty for the acquisition of Investa Property Group, the largest sector-specific office trust in Australia. The loan was arranged by Morgan Stanley Finance, Citibank and Credit Suisse.
The international arm of Germany's Hypo Real Estate Bank has taken a 27% stake in a 3-month bridging loan of AUD 4.2 bn (EUR 2.5 bn) granted to Post Financier Pty for the acquisition of Investa Property Group, the largest sector-specific office trust in Australia. The loan was arranged by Morgan Stanley Finance, Citibank and Credit Suisse.
Hypo Real Estate Bank International's share in the largest public-to-private transaction in Australia comes to AUD 1.1 bn (EUR 700 mln). The first disbursement of the loan took place on 19 September and the remainder will be drawn in October.
Georg Funke, ceo of Hypo Real Estate Holding, said: 'We are very pleased to have a significant participation in this major loan. Our ability to commit new funds to this multi-billion Australian Dollar loan underlines the strength of our business'.