Hypo Real Estate Bank International has completed a EUR 32 mln financing for a joint venture between Brack Capital and Apollo Real Estate Advisors for the development of a 41,000 m[sup]2[/sup] logistics complex in Lobnia, near Moscow. The property is fully pre-let to an international tenant for a period of 7 years. Harin Thaker, European ceo of Hypo Real Estate Bank International, said: 'Both Brack Capital and Apollo Real Estate Advisors are key global clients for us and we are delighted to provide them with a development and investment facility in Russia. This transaction continues our commitment to the Russian real estate market'.

Hypo Real Estate Bank International has completed a EUR 32 mln financing for a joint venture between Brack Capital and Apollo Real Estate Advisors for the development of a 41,000 m2 logistics complex in Lobnia, near Moscow. The property is fully pre-let to an international tenant for a period of 7 years. Harin Thaker, European ceo of Hypo Real Estate Bank International, said: 'Both Brack Capital and Apollo Real Estate Advisors are key global clients for us and we are delighted to provide them with a development and investment facility in Russia. This transaction continues our commitment to the Russian real estate market'.