Real estate company Hufvudstaden has acquired the Rännilen 15 property at Smalandsgatan 12 in central Stockholm from Handelsbanken Liv. The purchase price is SEK 312.5 mln (EUR 46 mln). The rentable floor space comprises 3,400 m2, of which 2,200 m[sup]2[/sup] office space, 650 m[sup]2[/sup] retail space and 550 m[sup]2[/sup] storage. The property is fully leased and the annual rent amounts to SEK 14.1 mln (EUR 2 mln). The property will be trasferred on June 1, 2007.

Real estate company Hufvudstaden has acquired the Rännilen 15 property at Smalandsgatan 12 in central Stockholm from Handelsbanken Liv. The purchase price is SEK 312.5 mln (EUR 46 mln). The rentable floor space comprises 3,400 m2, of which 2,200 m2 office space, 650 m2 retail space and 550 m2 storage. The property is fully leased and the annual rent amounts to SEK 14.1 mln (EUR 2 mln). The property will be trasferred on June 1, 2007.

This acquisition is in line with Hufvudstaden's strategy of concentrating its portfolio on central Stockholm and expands Hufvudstaden's portfolio in the so called Golden Triangle. 'Rännilen 15 fits Hufvudstaden's portfolio very well, particularly since we already own the other properties in the block. This acquisition will result in synergy effects in terms of revenues and costs', said Ivo Stopner, President of Hufvudstaden.