HSH Nordbank has re-entered the public capital markets by placing a EUR 500 mln public-sector Pfandbrief with a term of three years and a coupon of 1.75%. The reoffer price was fixed at 99.904%. This equals a reoffer spread of 20 basis points above mid-swaps.

HSH Nordbank has re-entered the public capital markets by placing a EUR 500 mln public-sector Pfandbrief with a term of three years and a coupon of 1.75%. The reoffer price was fixed at 99.904%. This equals a reoffer spread of 20 basis points above mid-swaps.

The intended issue amount was achieved shortly after opening of the orderbook. With more than 60 single orders the orderbook was well diversified. HSH Nordbank placed the Pfandbrief on the market as joint lead manager together with Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, DZ Bank and Unicredit.

The outstanding HSH Nordbank Pfandbriefe are subject to the security standard of the German Pfandbrief law and have been awarded the best ratings of Aaa by Moody’s.